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Thanks to our very well developed automation department, in terms of equipment, available software and experienced staff, we often realize automation projects concerning unusual industrial machines and devices. We often design and write our own applications, which facilitate production and help us realize challenging tasks. Our project achievements include, among others, such undertakings as:

  • Automatization of a sewage pumping station in Żnin / WIK Żnin Sp. z o.o.

  • Early warning system for shaft turning in diffusers / Cukrownia Kluczewo S.A.

  • Automation system for a rotary furnace 60.370 / IBIS Sp z.o.o.

  • Automation and visualization systems for a biological sewage treatment system in Bogucin / Przedsiębiorstwo Rolno-Spożywcze - Józef Piecuch

  • Automation system for an oil burner WL20/2-C / POL-NEKS Sp. z o.o.

  • Automation and visualization systems for an ammonia  cooling installation / Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Mleczarska SIERPC

  • Automation and visualization systems for a flour storing line / IBIS Sp z.o.o.

  • Automation and visualization systems for a drinking water treatment station SUW/ Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.

  • Design and start-up of an automation system for a machine designated for drilling holes in segment panels DPD-6000 / FartProdukt Sp. z o.o.

  • Design and start-up of an automation system for a machine designated for cutting segment panels along two axes DPC-6000 / FartProdukt Sp. z o.o.

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